Calendar of Events

Ramana Maharshi’s Birthday

Mon, Dec 30

9:00 AM & 7:00 PM

By Open Donation

Celebrating the birthday of the enlightened sage who is highly respected at Ananda Ashram. Meditation Programs with Ashram Teachers include chanting of Upadesha Sāram, composed by Ramana Maharshi, and readings from his teachings.

8:00 PM Sitar Recital by Tomek Regulski.
Tomek will perform a selection of evening ragas on sitar as a continuation of the celebration of Ramana Maharshi's birthday.

Tomek Regulski is a musician living in New York City. He received his foundational training in sitar from the late Acharya Roop Verma and continues his studies with Arjun Verma. Additionally, Tomek studies the rudra veena in the Dagarbhani style of dhrupad under the guidance of Jeff Lewis and Ustad Bahauddin Dagar.