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Yoga of Voice with Deepak Kumar *
Thanksgiving Celebration with Ashram and Guest Teachers & Artists
Sitar Workshop with Tomek Regulski *
AI & Consciousness Conference
Serenity for the Season: Yin Yoga and Journaling for a Peaceful Holiday *
Gītā Jayantī: Day of the Bhagavad Gītā with Ashram Teachers *
Cosmic Integration: Monthly Workshop with Vidya Katya Salkinder
Mystical Solstice Kirtan with Mirabai Moon
Sacred Stillness: A Winter Solstice Mini-Retreat with Kika *
Recorded Meditation and Talks by Joan Suval
Peace on Earth: Christmas Kirtan with Krishna Devi
Christmas Morning Celebration
Ramana Maharshi’s Birthday
New Year's Eve Celebration
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