Into the Future: Astrological Perspective on the Years 2020 & 2021 with Ksenia Lila

11:00 AM–1:00 PM Eastern Time
Suggested Donation: $30
The year 2020 is a powerful year of transformation that signifies the end of a cycle and prepares us for an incredible journey into the future. Seeming difficulties presented by the past year have a potential for great blessings. In this online workshop, you will learn about the most significant alignments of 2020 and 2021 with an emphasis on the November/December eclipses, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, and the first two quarters of 2021.
The road is splitting, and each individual will be presented with a choice for their future. The goal of the workshop is to inspire self reflection and offer a deeper meaning to what has been happening, and what you want to create.
The information presented is based on Western Astrology. A recording will be shared with all participants.
Ksenia Lila has been practicing Yoga and studying Vedic philosophy from various sources since 2012. She uses Evolutionary Astrology as a tool for self-discovery and empowerment for herself and to guide others. Lila resides at Ananda Ashram in Monroe, NY, where she has led weekly Beginners' Meditation classes and Astrology workshops. In her practice, she combines meditation, contemplation and mindfulness along with chanting, breath work and movement. Her academic background is in mathematics and cognitive neuroscience. She is passionate about bridging the gap between science and mysticism, as well as offering practical perspectives on how to live a fulfilled life.