Ayurvedic Cooking for Your Type: Vata with Paula Tepedino
All cooking classes are 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm Eastern Time.
Tuition $20
Vata Cooking Class - Saturday, July 18
Kapha Cooking Class - Saturday, August 1
Tridoshic Cooking Class - Saturday, August 8
Pitta Cooking Class - Saturday, August 15
Cooking for your type includes seasonal choices and foods and spices that create balance. Meals are vegetarian.
In the art and science of Ayurveda, each of us has a predominant body constitution or dosha that is made up of a combination of the five states of matter: space, air, fire, water, earth. When certain elements are combined certain states are present and create certain conditions which can either pacify, aggravate or balance our systems. By following a diet and a lifestyle appropriate for our dosha, there is a greater sense of staying in balance and achieving wellness.
Through the “Grassroots Ayurveda” approach, this series of cooking classes will address one dosha at a time and highlight the foods, spices and seasonal choices advised to keep balanced. Participants are invited to either cook along with Paula or just watch. A list of ingredients and recipes will be sent beforehand, as well as a Dosha Quiz. For those who do not know their constitutional type, the quiz will offer a general overview. Meals are vegetarian.
Paula Tepedino is certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists and is a certified Kripalu teacher, with 40+ years as a practitioner and yoga teacher trainer. She has studied with Bri Ma Tiwari for 15 years and is a Wise Earth Ayurveda practitioner. Paula is also a certified Panchakarma therapist through her studies in India with Dr. Shekhar Annombhotla and AyuGreens in Kochi, Kerala. To her students, she offers an opportunity to experience living meditation through a deep appreciation of the natural inner harmony that exists in all beings. Visit her website for more information.