Ways to Maintain a Healthy Immune System with Vidya Denise Chapman*

11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Tuition $20
All proceeds go to Ananda Ashram.
We now know the importance of a strong immune system, especially during this challenging time. According to Ayurveda, a strong digestive fire is essential to maintaining a healthy immune system. A healthy relationship with ourselves and with others contributes greatly to our overall health. Especially important are the foods we eat, and so is our relationship with that food.
We need to learn to listen to our bodies’ innate intelligence.
Vidya (Denise) Chapman is a certified yoga teacher since 2000, a licensed massage therapist, an ayurvedic practitioner and professional member of NAMA. After a life-threatening illness in 2002, she was introduced to Dr. Vasant Lad at Ananda Ashram. In 2007 Vidya travelled to India to study yoga with Nischala Joy Devi and Bhaskar and to see Ayurveda in its homeland. She is a graduate of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, founded by Dr. Vasant Lad, and of the Gurukula and Panchakarma Therapy programs at his institute and clinic in Pune, India. Vidya has taught Ayurvedic principles, philosophy and cooking at several yoga teacher trainings, as well as marma therapy, shirodhara, abhyanga and other ayurvedic body therapies at the Sivananda Yoga Retreat in Nassau, Bahamas.