Ganesha Chaturthi & 30th Anniversary of Guru's Mahasamadhi

This day, called Ganesha Chaturthi in the Indian lunar calendar, marks the yearly celebration of Ganesha as the “Lord of auspicious beginnings.”
It is also the anniversary of Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati's Mahāsamādhi, his passing from the physical body. September 19 this year is the 30th anniversary in both the lunar and the solar calendar; that is, Ganesha Chaturthi falls on the same date as it did thirty years ago (a very rare and special occurrence).
Observing and honoring the anniversary of Guru's Mahāsamādhi helps one appreciate his continued spiritual presence. Programs offered by Ashram teachers will include reflection on how his legacy has been developed over the last thirty years.
9:00 AM Fire Ceremony & Meditation
9:45 AM Selected Readings
10:30 AM Chanting of Sanskrit Hymns in the Shrine
7:00 PM Fire Ceremony & Meditation
7:45 PM Selected Readings in Honor of Ganesha and of Guru. Sharing.
Further details to be announced.