Calendar of Events

Legendary Sanskrit Verses – An Ongoing Workshop Series with Deven Patel *

Fri, Dec 02 to Fri, Jan 06

Fridays, 5:00 - 6:00 PM Eastern Time

Tuition by Open Donation; Suggested $20/session

Register for the Entire Series
or register for individual classes:
Dec 2
Dec 16
Dec 23
Dec 30
Jan 6

Join any time!

This is an ongoing weekly workshop series (via Zoom) exploring Sanskrit verses of Bhartṛhari, celebrated classical poet and philosopher-grammarian.

Few poets have captured the conflicts, confusions, and complexities of life in the world. Fewer still are able to speak to the possibilities for rising above the pains of worldly life. On both of these subjects, the Sanskrit poet Bhartṛhari shines, offering in each of his short stanzas an entire universe of meditations on this world and the next. You are invited to practice your Sanskrit language skills through Bhartṛhari's bejeweled verses!

Join Professor Deven Patel for one or more delightful sessions. Teacher and students will collectively work on translating the verses and discuss their meaning. These classes can be taken as a series of 5 sessions at a time (recommended) or as single sessions.

-- The ISEWU (Intl. Schools of East-West Unity) admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin. --

Deven M. Patel is an associate professor of Sanskrit language and the literatures of South Asia at the University of Pennsylvania. He is especially interested in the Sanskrit language and literature (belles-lettres, epics, and drama); grammar and linguistics; Indian philosophy and intellectual history; as well as Pali, Prakrit, Hindi and Gujarati languages and literature. He writes on literary history and the formation of literary communities. His published works include Text to Tradition: The Naiṣadhīyacarita and Literary Community in South Asia, Columbia University Press, 2014, and Kavirājamārgam: The Way of the King of Poets (co-authored with R.V.S. Sundaram), Jawaharlal Nehru University and Manohar Publishers, 2017.