Developing a Personal Relationship with the Yoga Sūtras with Melissa Townsend *

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Eastern Time
Online Event via Zoom
Tuition: $40
The workshop will take place on Zoom platform.
It is said that you don’t work with the Yoga Sūtras. They work on you.
Through exploration of a creative point of entry to a spiritual text like the Yoga Sūtras of Patanjali, a personal relationship can be developed and nurtured. The goal of this workshop is to enrich life experience by allowing for the teaching to operate on an intuitive level. This "opening" can be accomplished by deeply engaging with just a few selected aphorisms.
Using traditional methods (chanting the Sanskrit and looking at translations) as well as working in non-predetermined ways (drawing and writing as it fits the inclination), the transformative potential can be found. A profound understanding dawns that we are so much more than we thought we were: Tadā draṣhṭuḥ sva-rūpe ‘vasthānam!
This workshop is appropriate for people at any level of knowledge or familiarity with the Yoga Sūtras. No prior knowledge of Sanskrit is needed.
Melissa Townsend is an artist, writer, Sanskrit teacher, and internationally known psychic and astrologer. A Yoga practitioner since 1984, she teaches Yoga Philosophy and has translated, painted and authored The Yoga Sūtras of Patanjali: A Visual Meditation. Book One, Samādhi Pādaḥ and Book Two, Sādhana Pādaḥ. The books have been featured in Namarupa Magazine, Yoga Journal, and on Yogaland podcast. Melissa's artwork and poems have been shown in venues such as The Whitney Museum, The Drawing Center, and The Knitting Factory. She has been featured in the New York Times among other magazines and periodicals. Melissa graduated from Brown University, Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude. Visit her website for more information.