Krishna’s Last Teachings - Mantras & Practical Insights: A Workshop with Bill Francis Barry

Sat 10:30AM-12:30PM & 2:00-5:00PM
Sun 10:00AM - noon
Tuition: $85 / members $76; Sat only $70 / members $63
Krishna’s last teachings include instructions on small adjustments we can make in our lives to produce practical and profound benefits. The Uddhava Gita, also called the “Last Teaching of Krishna,” contains extensive practical instructions on life including teachings not contained in the more widely known Bhagavad Gita. The Uddhava Gita is a portion of the Shrimad Bhagavatam scripture. This mantra and knowledge immersion workshop makes understandable the many ways that Krishna’s teachings to his friend Uddhava can be applied to all of life’s challenges.
Includes detailed handout and recording of all workshop mantras. Note: This workshop provides 7 CE Credits per Yoga Alliance.
Krishna’s Last Teachings tell us that "we do not know who we are." But if we practice these teachings, "we discover that we are more than we ever thought we could be." According to Swami Ambikananda
Click here for more details.
Call the Ananda Ashram office to register. Please see Workshop Registration page.