Calendar of Events

Sacred Painting Goddess Retreat with Mavis Gewant

Sacred Painting Intensive
Sat, Oct 07 to Mon, Oct 09

10:30AM-5:00PM, with lunch break at 12:30PM

Tuition for full 3 days: $225 / minimum Sat-Sun only: $150

This workshop will provide an opportunity to connect to the energy of the Divine Mother through the meditative practice of Sacred Painting. Participants can focus on Yantra, Mandala or Deity Painting and will learn mantras to further infuse their paintings with Goddess energy.

Art Supply List
Compass, ruler, protractor, H & #2 pencils; 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper (can be large sheets or a pad, 10x14, 11x15 or 12x16); set of gouache paints with extra white, gold and silver; brushes # 00, 1, 3 & 5. For wash, flat brushes size 1.5 ", mixing tray, water container; board to lean on, tracing paper, an extra light.
For Wash Technique you will also need a set of watercolor paints.
Contact Mavis with questions about specific brands:

Call to register. Please see Workshop Registration page.
• Note: Registration with full payment must be received 6 days prior to the beginning of this workshop.