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Classics of Advaita Vedānta: Laghu Yogavāsiṣṭha – An Ongoing Series with Deven Patel *
Ancient Art of Belly Dance with Aranyani
Deepavali Celebration: Festival of Lights & Day of Lakshmi
Hanuman Chalisa Chanting with Karuna Devi & Angela Hassan
Celebrating Diwali with Gypsy Jazz & Rhythms of India with Naren Budhakar & Hank L'Abriola *
Yoga of Voice with Deepak Kumar *
Mystic Movement: Feminine Embodiment Workshop with Lila Ksenia
Recorded Meditation and Talks by Joan Suval
Entering Nothingness ~ You Will Want Nothing Else: Teachings & Practices of Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati *
Thanksgiving Celebration with Ashram and Guest Teachers & Artists
Attitude of Gratitude Concert by Laraaji Nadananda & Arji OceAnanda *
Mantras and Music for Gratitude with Naren Budhakar & Sitar Solo by Indrajit Roy-Chowdhury *
North Indian Vocal Concert by Deepak Kumar with Naren Budhakar on Tabla *
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