* Yoga of Self-Healing: A Retreat with Gail Cristelli
Fri 4:00PM - Sun 3:00PM
Tuition $125
”Yoga of Self-Healing” is a program designed to aid in developing healthy relationships. Most spiritual traditions talk about the Self or spirit as perfection. But the limited self or ego sense is distracted, seeking to find happiness and peace through unhealthy relationships, which can lead to destructive habits and behaviors. This retreat will guide you with gentle asana techniques through the system of the chakras, deep breathing exercises for mindful awareness, Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation of body and mind, discussions on the 12 steps of recovery, and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. These provide tools to heal the limited self by developing Self-aware healthy relationships.
Click here for more details.
Call to register. Please see Workshop Registration page.