Thanksgiving Sound Bath & Guided Visualization: Opening to Gratitude & Joy with Dorothea Lucaci

5:00 - 6:30 PM Eastern Time
Tuition $20
Join Dorothea for a sound journey focused on gratitude and joy as we celebrate this Thanksgiving season.
In her words: “We will work together through meditation, sound, mantra and visualization to come into a space of appreciation for our many blessings, and remember and embrace the magic of the joy that exists within us. We will breathe together with a pranayama to bring us into our bodies and the present moment, use mantra to open our hearts, and experience a guided meditation to expand our minds. From this place of calibration, we will relax into the high vibrations of a sound bath to experience deep relaxation and restoration.”
What to expect:
• Gentle breathing exercise
• Guided visual meditation
• Vocal toning and mantra
• Sound bath
The event will take place on Zoom platform.
Dorothea Lucaci is a musician, poet, alternative healing artist and student of esoteric wisdom. Traveling along her own healing journey, seeking knowledge, understanding and self-awareness, she became that which she was seeking. Dorothea works as a sound healer, astrologer, Reiki Master, Theta Healing ® practitioner, Integrative Hypnotist and life coach, who loves to share her knowledge and experience with other seekers to help them with their personal transformation journey. Visit her website for more information.