North Indian Vocal Concert by Deepak Kumar with Amrit Singh on Tabla *

8:00 PM
Admission $20 / members $15 / included for overnight guests
In celebration of Ananda Ashram's 60th Anniversary, an evening of light classical Indian vocal music featuring devotional songs based on ragas, as well as ghazals, traditional love songs. Accompanied by Amrit Singh on Tabla.
Preceded by Ashram Meditation Program beginning at 7:00 PM (by donation).
Deepak Kumar Pareek is a light classical singer and composer from the state of Rajasthan, India. His music covers a wide spectrum of styles: ghazals (romantic poetry), bhajans (devotional songs), kirtan and classic film songs. Deepak first studied with his father, Shri P.N. Vyas, and later with Ustad R.F. Dagar, Ustad Moinuddin Khan and Shri Mohinderjit Singh. He has also been studying with Khayal classical singer Mrs. Kankana Banerjee, disciple of the legendary vocalist Ustad Amir Khan. Deepak is accomplished on several musical instruments including harmonium, tamboura, guitar and keyboard. He is co-director of the East-West School of Music at Ananda Ashram and as a faculty member teaches and performs regularly.