New Year's Eve Celebration with Ashram Teachers & Artists

7:00 PM - after midnight
Admission $20 / members $15 / included in overnight guest rate
7:00 PM Fire Ceremony & Meditation for World Peace;
Reading from Guru’s Essays
8:00 PM Celebration Program featuring:
East-West School of Dance - Kathak Dance
Kamy Netram - Devotional Singing
Nina Svatovic - Songs
Katya Salkinder - Songs
Krishna Devi - Kirtan
Lila Ksenia - Goddess Dance
Laraaji Nadananda & Arji OceAnanda - Music for “I-Am Dance”
Others to be announced
11:40 PM Meditation into the New Year with Guru's recording
Refreshments offered. Special prasad after midnight
∙ 2023 is the year of Guru’s Birth Centennial.
His 100th Birthday will be celebrated on March 6.