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One-Week Meditation Retreat with a Self-Realized Master

Mon, Jun 09 to Sun, Jun 15

Monday 7:00 PM - Sunday 11:00 AM

(Tuition: By Open Donation)

For registration details please contact the office between 11am-3pm @ 845.782.5575

This Retreat is an opportunity to deepen one’s meditation, grow in Self Knowledge, and understand essential spiritual truths. It is an opportunity to withdraw from our daily routine and dedicate time to finding peace within our Self. Meditation retreats provide time for extended meditation. To advance in spirituality, it is essential to quiet the mind and experience deeper states of consciousness within ourselves. Direct personal experience accompanied by true spiritual knowledge is the fuel that sustains every sincere seeker's quest for inner peace and happiness.

The Retreat will feature the following:
* Time with a Self-Realized Yogi
* Extensive meditation, including the meditation practice of Jangama Dhyana.
* In-depth knowledge: Question & answer sessions providing enlightening insights into understanding meditation, mind, consciousness, and how to discover peace within oneself.
* Rest and quietude

The Retreat is intended for meditators of all levels, from beginner to advanced. If you are new to meditation or unfamiliar with Jangama Dhyana meditation technique, you may learn it at this Retreat. There is no charge. You are invited to attend any portion of the Retreat.