Luminous Ragas: A Bansuri Flute Concert by Steve Gorn with Naren Budhakar on Tabla *

8:00 PM
Admission $20 / members $15 / included in overnight guest rate
A Bansuri bamboo flute concert marking the auspicious beginning of Ananda Ashram's 60th Anniversary Convocation, featuring Indian rāgas for the evening hours. Traditionally, a rāga or melody is associated with a time of day, a season or a quality of light. Accompanied by Naren Budhakar on Tabla.
Preceded by Ashram Meditation Program beginning at 7:00 PM (by donation).
Steve Gorn has performed on the bansuri bamboo flute throughout the world. His gurus are the late masters Sri Gour Goswami of Kolkata and Pandit Raghunath Seth of Mumbai, whom he often accompanied in concert. He also studied with the late Ustad Z. M. Dagar. Steve is featured on the Grammy winning recording Miho – Journey to the Mountain, with Dhruba Ghosh and the Paul Winter Consort. In recent years he has turned his attention to the “Dharma of Sound”-- the transformative power of music which synchronizes mind and body. His bansuri flute is said to “re-align the cells.” Visit his website for more information.
Naren Budhakar was brought up in the Indian classical music tradition and began performing Tabla at a young age. A disciple of Tabla Maestro Ustad Shabbir Nisar, Naren has played with prominent instrumentalists, vocalists and dancers including Pandit Birju Maharaj, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, Pandit Jasraj and Shaed Parvez. He has performed at prestigious venues in the U.S. and Europe, providing Tabla accompaniment for various musical genres. He is also a disciple of Shri Aditya Khandwe, a virtuoso vocalist of the Gwalior style of classical Indian vocal music. Naren is co-director of the East-West School of Music at Ananda Ashram, teaching and performing regularly.