Libra New Moon: Sound Bath & Guided Meditation with Dorothea Lucaci
6:00 - 7:30 PM Eastern Time
Tuition $20
Join Dorothea for a sound journey focused on this Libra New Moon, to plant seeds of balance, beauty and harmony. Working together through meditation, sound, visualization and asana to come into harmony and balance, you will begin to imagine the beauty you want to see and sow.
In Dorothea's words: “We will breathe together with a pranayama to bring us into our bodies and the present moment, use mantra to open our hearts, and experience a guided meditation to expand our minds. From this place of calibration, we will relax into the high vibrations of a sound bath to experience deep relaxation and restoration.”
What to expect:
• Gentle breathing exercise
• Guided visual meditation
• Astrological insight
• Vocal toning and mantra
• Sound bath
The event will take place on Zoom platform.
Dorothea Lucaci is a musician, poet, alternative healing artist and student of esoteric wisdom. Traveling along her own healing journey, seeking knowledge, understanding and self-awareness, she became that which she was seeking. Dorothea works as a sound healer, astrologer, Reiki Master, Theta Healing ® practitioner, Integrative Hypnotist and life coach, who loves to share her knowledge and experience with other seekers to help them with their personal transformation journey. Visit her website for more information.