Celebration of Janmashtami, Lord Krishna's Birthday

9:00 - 10:30 AM & 7:00 PM - Midnight
This day is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Krishna in the Indian lunar calendar.
9:00 AM Fire Ceremony & Meditation
9:45 AM Sanskrit Mantras in honor of Shri Krishna
7:00 PM Fire Ceremony & Meditation; Sanskrit Hymn & Readings on the Theme of Krishna
Streamed via Ananda Ashram Live on Facebook and Ananda Ashram NY on YouTube:
9:00 PM Special Cultural Program: Kirtan with Krishna Devi & others; Bhajans with Deepak Kumar, withDean Mirabito on Tabla;
Kathak Dance by Pandit S.N. Charka
12:00 Midnight Celebration of Lord Krishna's Birth
More details to be announced.