Creative Flow thru the Breath & Mudras with Gail Cristelli

10:00 - 11:30 AM Eastern Time
Tuition: $20
This Yoga workshop involves Vinyasa, a method in which movements form a flowing sequence in coordination with the breath. (It does not represent power yoga, which is one form of Vinyasa.) The body becomes the vehicle to transport the breath into one’s physical, physiological and mental bodies. This practice is for all levels of yogis.
You will be working with creative sequences of asanas that flow seamlessly together with the breath and with mudras. Mudras are hand gestures used to stimulate different parts of the body involved with breathing, affecting the flow of energy in body, mind and soul. You will leave this practice with an elevated feeling of well-being, rejuvenated and with a peaceful sense of increased energy.
Gail Cristelli C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, holds a 1000-hour Yoga Therapy Certification (PYT) and is a certified Yoga of Recovery (YoR) Counselor working with addictions of all types. As a Yoga practitioner and teacher for over 20 years, her teaching is based in alignment, therapeutic yoga and creative hatha flows. Gail became a student of meditation through Ananda Ashram, where she has been an active member. She is also a Reiki master practitioner and teacher, a certified health coach with the Institute of Integrated Nutrition and a Holistic Health Practitioner with AADP (American Association of Drugless Practitioners). Visit her website for more information.