Finding Peace Within - A Four Day Meditation Retreat Sponsored by the Baba Shiva Rudra Balayogi Mission
Wed 7:00PM - Sun 12:15PM
Tuition: By Donation
Ananda Ashram is honored to once again host a Shiva Rudra Balayogi Meditation Retreat. The retreat will provide an extended opportunity for meditators and spiritual seekers of all levels to deepen their meditation experience and grow their understanding of Self Knowledge and essential spiritual truths. Participants are welcome to attend any portion of the retreat as their schedule allows.
Shiva Rudra Balayogi will not be visiting the U.S. this year. However, he will be present at the retreat via his teachings and live evening question and answer sessions via SKYPE. The retreat is being facilitated by Agastya.
Please click here for more information.
● To register for the retreat, call the Ananda Ashram office: 845.782.5575.
Reserve your overnight stay as soon as possible. Inquire about day visitor rates.