Ananda Ashram’s 57th Anniversary Celebration
11:00 AM-4:30 PM Eastern Time
Suggested Donation for in-person attendance: $40, includes lunch and cultural program
Special Celebration Programs, streamed via Ananda Ashram Live on Facebook:
11:00 AM Fire Ceremony for World Peace and Healing with Karuna Devi & Kamala Netram
Chanting of Vedic Hymn led by Bharati Devi
Reading from Guru’s Writings by Kiranavali Rollinger, President, YSNY
Brief Addresses by:
Scott Moss, Vice President, YSNY,
other Yoga Society of New York Board Members; Directors of Schools
Message from Founding Member Marvin Suval
Short Kirtan with Krishna Devi
1:30 PM Festive Lunch
3:00-4:15 PM Cultural Program by East-West Schools of Dance and Music,
directed by Pandit S.N. Charka and Naren Budhakar