Calendar of Events

* Aging Gracefully -- Wisdom through the Ages: A Yoga Workshop with Tao Porchon-Lynch

Yoga Grand Master Tao Porchon-Lynch
Fri, Mar 31 to Sat, Apr 01

Fri 3:00-5:30PM & 8:30PM Evening Talk
Sat 10:00AM-12:30PM

Tuition: $130 for both days (single sessions not available, except for evening talk)

In this unique workshop, you will use the four pillars of yoga: prāṇāyāma (breath work), mudrās (gestures), bandhas (energetic locks) and chakras (energy centers) to explore the rich potential of the body to renew, heal and revitalize. Experience a yoga sequence designed to build energy and vitality, including Tao's special "yoga tango," integrating breath, movement and music. Explore yoga and energy techniques focused on the hands and feet that can transform your entire practice and life!

Evening Talk on Fri, Mar 31, 8:30PM.
Open to the public. Admission $20 / members $15; included in workshop tuition and in overnight guest rate

Call to register. Please see Workshop Registration page.